Monthly Report Aug 2017

Teacher training: – Long awaited Teacher training was conducted with the coordination of Punjab Education Foundation. This teacher training was 2 weeks long and teachers completed Level 1 and Level 2 capacity building trainings successfully, Teachers from other schools joined this stimulating training as well bringing total number of participates to 20.

Summer Vacations: – Right after the Teacher’s training, the School is back into action. School was opened on August 10th.

Independence Day Celebration: – Pakistan Independence Day was celebrated on Aug 14th. The students dressed up for this day in green and white. Young students delivered patriotic speeches with some great ideas on how would they contribute to the country when they grow up.

Intel matching Grant: – Intel Annual Matching grant was released in the month of August, The grant has been a huge support for our cause to sustain and grow. APS receives Intel matching grant, since last number of years this grant has contributed our cause to grow immensely. APS received $3750 this year which were equalized to around PKR 380,000 when deposited in to Pakistan Bank.


This brings total Funds raised in Year 2017 to $8560.


Thank you

Amir Davis (Chair APS)



101 thoughts on “Monthly Report Aug 2017

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