Monthly Report December 2018

2018 in a glance

Clean water Filter: – The drinking water was getting contaminated with increasing level of pollution in the environment.

The health issue was tackled on emergency basis and the clean water Plant was installed in the school by September and the lab tests are completed for water. This is certified clean drinkable water by now!.


Free Books distribution: – An annual deliverable of free books distribution was completed by April 2018. This activity takes place at the start of every academic year along with stationary items. Young students were excited with the promotion to the new class and their new books.


Scholarships for the passed out students sorted: – Huge thanks to our sponsors, who have taken ownership to provide the scholarship for the Students already graduated from the school and are being sponsored in another private school since APS is only up-to middle section yet. All requested students secured the 100% scholarships.


School Results: – APS maintained the record of Class 5th and 8th board exams 100% passing ratio and our middle school students who passed from Class 8th demonstrated highest results ever with an average marks ratio of 72%. We wish all the best to these brilliant students for the high schooling and beyond. Here is a quick snap of Class 8th board exam results.


Teacher’s Excellence Award: – Class 8th In-charge and English Teacher was awarded excellence award for her all the hard work and performance. Miss Shaista has years of teaching experience and her hard work paid off with wonderful board results produced.

Intel Ireland Employees write to Students: – Employees prepared some hand written cards for the students in APS which were delivered to the students after summer vacations. Delighted students responded with their hand written cards.

APS Sponsored student is a toper: – Ayesha Abid is our brilliant student who was sponsored to carry on with her education in another private school, once she passed out from class 8th.  Huge thanks to our sponsors.  She has scored 94% in Class 9th Board exams and tops the area. Below is her result card. Well done to Ayesha.


APS Student on track to be a Software Engineer: – Many Thanks to Ahsan Zaidi (our executive member) to take on the sponsorship of Rishna Nasir (APS Sponsored student). We appealed for the help last month to sponsor this brilliant student who has started 4 years program i.e BSC in software engineering from Gift University Gujranwala. This is a recognized institute from HSE. Following pic is sent by very happy Rishna on her 1st day in the university with thanks to her sponsor.

Rishna Full story can be referred  here.

Funds: – Thanks to our regular sponsor Shahid Bashir who responded to our appeal for paint job in the school and an on-going sponsorship by chipping in 115k PKR in the month of December. Our regular donor (Haroon Mirza) continued the sponsorship for one high school student by chipping in 25K PKR..i.e 175$, our new sponsor Ahsan Zaidi chipped in 63K PKR for Rishna’s 1st semester in Software engineering.

This brings total Year to date funds generated in 2018 to 10565$

Attendance rate:-The school attendance rate remained 93% in the year and we are seeking help from the families and students to further improve it.

Sponsors in 2018:-Last but not least… I would like to thank our 2018 Donors for unstinting support to the school. Their contribution will open many new opportunities for these young men and women. Without the support and involvement of them, we could not reach our goals. Greatly appreciated.


Thank you

Amir Davis (Chair APS)

Monthly Report November 2018

Rishna Nasir Scholarship:- Many Thanks to Ahsan Zaidi(our executive member) to take on the sponsorship of Rishna Nasir. We appealed for the help last month to sponsor this brilliant student who has started 4 years program i.e BSC in software engineering from Gift University Gujranwala. This is a recognized institute from HSE.

Following pic is sent by very happy Rishna on her 1st day in the university with thanks to her sponsor.


Do you know what is rishna story… Click here.

More help needed items:-

Paint Job:- Another focus area for the New Year is Paint job within the school which has gone very bad. This is estimated to be around 95K PKR for the school.

Sponsor needed for Aman:-  Aman Aslam graduated from APS Middle school seeking sponsorship to carry on with high schooling. She has been enrolled in another private school. Please contact us for more details if you want to want to sponsor her high schooling…i.e Class 9/10th.



Thank you.

Amir (Chair APS)

Monthly Report October 2018

Clean water Lab Test:-

The clean water Plant was installed in the school in September and the lab tests are completed for water. This is certified clean drinkable water by now!.

Parents meeting:-

Parents meeting was scheduled and student’s individual results were discussed with them. The September test results were 72% average for the school. Other matters related to parenting and punctuality of the students were discussed too.

Attendance rate:-

The school attendance rate is 93% currently and we are seeking help from the families and students to further improve it.

Help needed for Sponsorship:-

We have been sponsoring our deserving students who pass out of APS so they can continue their education in another institute.

Our early sponsored student “Rishna Nasir” has cleared her FSC pre-Engineering. Now we are looking for a sponsor who can help her to achieve her dream to be a software Engineer. Rishna Scored 71% marks in FSC and want to pursue 4 years Software Engineering degree from Gift University Gujranwala. If you are interested to sponsor her. Please send a private note to and further details will be shared.

Here is her little story.


Thank you

Amir Davis- Chair APS


Monthly Report September 2018

Clean water Filter:-

Since polluted water isn’t just dirty, it’s deadly, so in spite of budget constraints, this task was prioritized this year. Steady increase of contamination level in the water was observed in the area.

We have started the clean water project in the school by now. This should be completed post Lab tests within the month of October.



September tests were taken and results were published for all classes. There has been a strong focus on testing system in school which includes Question Papers preparation and checking from outside vendor.

Overall marks ratio was 72% for the school.


Help needed for Sponsorship:-

We have been sponsoring our deserving students who pass out of APS so they can continue their education in another institute.

Our early sponsored student “Rishna Nasir” has cleared her FSC pre-Engineering. Now we are looking for a sponsor who can help her to achieve her dream to be a software Engineer. Rishna Scored 71% marks in FSC and want to pursue 4 years Software Engineering degree from Gift University Gujranwala. If you are interested to sponsor her. Please send a private note to and further details will be shared.

Here is her little story.


Thank you

Amir Davis- Chair APS


Monthly Report August 2018

Summer vacations are over so is our summer camp. Students are back on regular studies.

Intel Ireland Employees connect to APS Students: – Earlier in summer vacations, Intel Ireland employees wrote personal letters and Cards to the students of APS. These cards were handed over to the students when they came back to school after summer vacation. They were delighted and loved the messages written on these. Here is the response captured from some of these students.


August 14th in APS: – Pakistan Independence Day was celebrated with zeal and lot of passion where students participated in it by bringing in Pakistan flags. There were also some speeches and patriotic songs sung by the young students.


APS Sponsored student is a toper: – Ayesha Abid is our brilliant student who was sponsored to carry on with her education in another private school, once she passed out from class 8th.  Huge thanks to our sponsors.  She has scored 94% in Class 9th Board exams and tops the area. Below is her result card. Well done to Ayesha.


Thank you

Amir Davis- Chair APS

Monthly Report July 2018

Summer Camp: – While last month of summer vacations starts, the summer Camp in APS is in full swing. The students are enjoying the rare opportunity to come to school in colored cloths. Extra circular activities is another focus area during the summer Camp.

Gardening: – This little garden is getting weed free treatment from the local Gardner. The garden is usually being looked after by the students.

School will be back on in August 2018. Please stay tune for upcoming newsletter

Thank you

Amir Davis

Chair APS




Monthly Report June 2018

Executive meeting: – APS Executive members met online to discuss the future road map of the school. The ways to generate more funds were considered too. The remaining funds will be sufficient to sustain for the school operations and some basic repairs/developments. However more funding is required going forward to achieve our long term goals.

Scholarships for the passed out students:- Students who already graduated from the school are being sponsored in another private school since APS is only up-to middle section yet. The individual donners have taken ownership to provide the scholarship for these students. They are being contacted for another round of sponsorship for the school Year 2018.

Intel Ireland Employees write to Students:- Employees prepared some hand written cards for the students in APS which will be delivered to the students after summer vacations.

Here is one of the card written.

Clean water plant: – The preparations are being done for the plant installation since school is closed in summer. Stay tune for photos.


Thank you


Monthly Report May 2018

Intel Matching Grant: – We are delighted to receive the Intel matching grant of the year 2017. This annual grant is a life line for the sustainability of the cause. APS received 8000$ this year which will help us to pay off balance of books/stationary, Staff Wages for summer vacation and clean water filter. We will also be able to retain the remaining balance going into next year.

Funds: – This brings our 2018 donation funds to $9,120.

Summer Vacation: – The School summer vacation started on May 16th, while Middle school summer camp will take place in last 3 weeks of summer holidays.


Stay tune for upcoming developments

Thank you

Amir Chair APS


Monthly Report Apr 2018

Free Books distribution: – An annual deliverable of free books distribution was completed this year by April 2018. This activity takes place at the start of every academic year along with stationary items. Young students were excited with the promotion to the new class and their new books.

Clean water Filter: – APS is seeking donations for clean water filter system, this medium scale system will cost around 100,000 PKR. The current water is getting contaminated with increasing level of pollution in the environment. The health issue will be tackled on emergency basis and we expect this to be completely functional during summer vacation. Please donate online here if you wish to contribute to this.

Summer Vacation:- The School summer vacation start on May 16th , while Middle school summer camp will take place in last 3 weeks of summer holidays.


Thank you

Amir Chair APS


Monthly Report Mar 2018

Class 5/8 Board Exams results: – We are over the moon with extra ordinary school results for board exams of class 5 and class 8.
APS maintained the record of Class 5th and 8th board exams 100% passing ratio and our middle school students who passed from Class 8th demonstrated highest results ever with an average marks ratio of 72%. We wish all the best to these brilliant students for the high schooling and beyond. Here is a quick snap of Class 8th board exam results.

Teacher’s Excellence Award: – Class 8th In-charge and English Teacher was awarded excellence award for her all the hard work and performance. Miss Shaista has years of teaching experience and her hard work paid off with wonderful board results produced.
APS is committed to carry on the Teacher’s training for capacity building.

Funds: – Our Executive Board Member Hannya Janjua chipped in the donation for $870 in March bringing Year to date donation value to $1200.

Thank you
Amir Chair APS