Back to school: – As the summer sun fades and the days grow shorter, it’s that time of the year again when students return to school after a well-deserved break. It brings with it a host of opportunities and excitement among the students. The Summer vacations are over but heat is not! , We are sourcing more Fans in bigger classrooms. An example of the newly sourced small Fans is below.

Empowering Future Heroes: Thanks to our Partners “taryaq welfare organization” for donating hundreds of superhero pants & shirts sets, these were distributed by school Management to the young students on school return. We plant the seeds of heroism in the hearts of young children. These children, who have been empowered and inspired, may go on to make a positive impact on their communities and the world. The joy on the children’s face when they received a superhero cloths was priceless. These simple acts of generosity have the power to spread happiness not only to the children but also to those who contribute to the cause.

New Construction Update: – The process of construction is still on-going, and we are targeting to complete the construction of 6 new bathrooms and 2 new class rooms at start of the month in September.

Rides Repairs: –School rides are a beloved and timeless playground equipment that provide children with opportunities for physical activity, social interaction, and sheer enjoyment. However, to ensure that these rides remain a safe and enjoyable part of the schoolyard, regular maintenance is essential. The repairs, paint work is completed for these too.

Stay tune.
Amir (Chair APS)