MAC grant to APS: – APS Signed MOU with MAC(Muslim Americans for Compassion) last year and Once again, MAC supported APS cause with the grant of $2000. We are immensely grateful for MAC’s commitment and generosity.
MAC is an organization built to engage the community through interfaith, environmental, and philanthropic outreach initiatives and to promote educational activities and events, whether hosted by MAC or another organization.
Motorway Police visits APS: – Road safety lectures delivered to school students that contribute to the overall well-being and safety of the students.
Since APS is based beside a very busy road, the lectures raised awareness among school students about the potential risks and dangers associated with road travel. They help students understand the importance of following traffic rules and adopting safe practices as pedestrians, cyclists, or future drivers. Students also learned about traffic signs, signals, and rules, as well as how to cross roads safely, use pedestrian crossings, and ride bicycles or other modes of transport responsibly. Here is the short video.
Summer Camp: – Summer vacations start in June, but prior to that there was a summer camp held in APS for the students to give them opportunity to explore their creativity and self-expression through arts and crafts, music, and other artistic endeavors.
Many students discovered their hidden talents, developed new passions, and gained exposure to fields they may not have previously considered. We ourselves were surprised to see such a high-quality work done by the students. Here are some short videos showing amazing work done by the students.
Traffic Signals Model:- Class 9 students came up with the idea to make a model on Traffic signals and system post Motorway presentation. The video was shared with Pakistan Motorway officials and much appreciated.
Here are some Summer Camp models prepared by students
Additional rooms construction: – Because of the growing number of students, there was an immediate need to build 2 additional spacious classrooms, The rooms construction being done on 2nd story of the existing rooms. We are targeting to get these completed before the summer vacations are over. Here is the start of the work.

Summer Vacations: – School is closed for the students for now and will be back on in August,
Stay tune for upcoming developments.
Thank you
Amir (Chair APS)