Monthly Report May 2023

Mrs Nabila Nasir joins APS:-  We are thrilled to have Mrs Nabila Nasir in our team in APS who has 30 years’ experience in the field of Education and worked in Lead roles in Government schools. Mrs Nabila Nasir holds master’s degrees in education and numerous educational related certifications. She previously worked with APS on volunteer basis.

Mrs Nabila brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of education, Her impressive track record of leadership, driving growth and innovation will greatly contribute to the growth of our School.

As a Managing Director, she will be responsible for running school operations along with School Principle, We’re excited about the contributions and fresh perspectives she is already bringing to our organization.

Official opening of Science Lab:- This exciting milestone marks a significant step forward in our commitment to fostering scientific exploration and innovation in the school Kids.

The Science Lab has been meticulously designed and equipped to provide our students with experimentation and discovery. Which will help them to gain practical knowledge of the science subjects.

Students are excited and curious to start using this new facility. We are sure this will be very busy place during summer vacation as major projects for higher classes during summer camp will be held here in June 2023.

School furniture refurbishment:- Several pieces of furniture, including desks, chairs, and tables, were in dire need of repair. Damaged or broken furniture not only affects the aesthetic appeal of the classrooms but also hampers the students’ ability to concentrate and engage in their studies effectively. It was crucial that we address this issue promptly to ensure a safe, comfortable, and conducive learning environment for our students.

I am delighted to announce that we have completed all the repairs by now and the furniture is better than new… Yes. The better quality wood/paint was used than original to refurbish the desks/chairs and we might be buying some more new furniture to accommodate growing numbers of students. Here are couple of furniture photos of before and after.

High School Registration:-  This required a lot of sweat and effort from everyone involved. Yes… We have successfully secured the school registration for high schooling. Previously we had registration for Girls and boys up to middle section. High school registration is for girls only as we are able to accommodate Girls only in higher section for now.

Water Bottles:- Instead of sharing a single glass, We are in process of providing each student with their own water bottle. This ensures that each child has a personal, hygienic container for drinking water.

Mother’s day Celebration:- School staff helped young kids to prepare the heartfelt handmade cards for the mothers as they honor and appreciate the invaluable role of their mothers. Here is the short video.

What’s next:- Our school has experienced a significant increase in students enrollment. While we are delighted to witness this growth, it has posed a new challenge: a shortage of classrooms to accommodate the growing number of students. As a result, our students are facing overcrowded classrooms, which hampers their ability to learn effectively and creates a less-than-ideal learning environment.

Expanding our classrooms is crucial to ensure that every student receives the attention and quality education they deserve. By providing adequate space, we can enhance the teaching and learning experience, foster student engagement, and improve academic outcomes. We strongly believe that investing in education is investing in the future, and with your continued support, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our students.

For now we will start construction of 2nd story on existing rooms. These 2 large class rooms and 3 new bathrooms will help us to accommodate more students within the premises. Construction to start during summer vacation

Stay Tuned.

Thank you Amir (Chair APS)

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