Monthly Report Nov 2021

APS Fundraiser: – Currently school offers scholarships to the limited students for high school and post high school studies.

Now, we want to establish the High school so We can give opportunity to our all the middle Pass students to continue their higher studies in house high school.

For this We require 2 more Classrooms to accommodate class 9 and class 10th, Science LAB and Multimedia Library.

These rooms will be built in our newly purchased land which is linked with the school. Please show the support by donating on this Go FUND ME page here.

School Office renovation: – Renovation of the school office was long overdue. We have bought new furniture for the school by now which comprises of 6 single seat sofas, 2 chairs, 1 office chair along with Table and a cupboard.


School furniture: – The overall repair work for the school furniture is on way. The school desks need to be repaired and repainted. Here is before and after pictures for some of these where work has been completed.

School visits: – Thanks to our visitors from UK for spending some time with school staff and school children. Naila Joseph, Naeem Malik and Davis William can be seen here having some conversation with the students and treating them with yummy chocolates and candies.


Children Immunization shots: – Children of the school and surrounding locality received the Vaccination shots for Measles and Rubella in November. APS coordinated this while working with local Health authorities.

Thank you.

Chair APS


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