
Monthly Report May 2023

Mrs Nabila Nasir joins APS:-  We are thrilled to have Mrs Nabila Nasir in our team in APS who has 30 years’ experience in the field of Education and worked in Lead roles in Government schools. Mrs Nabila Nasir holds master’s degrees in education and numerous educational related certifications. She previously worked with APS on volunteer basis.

Mrs Nabila brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of education, Her impressive track record of leadership, driving growth and innovation will greatly contribute to the growth of our School.

As a Managing Director, she will be responsible for running school operations along with School Principle, We’re excited about the contributions and fresh perspectives she is already bringing to our organization.

Official opening of Science Lab:- This exciting milestone marks a significant step forward in our commitment to fostering scientific exploration and innovation in the school Kids.

The Science Lab has been meticulously designed and equipped to provide our students with experimentation and discovery. Which will help them to gain practical knowledge of the science subjects.

Students are excited and curious to start using this new facility. We are sure this will be very busy place during summer vacation as major projects for higher classes during summer camp will be held here in June 2023.

School furniture refurbishment:- Several pieces of furniture, including desks, chairs, and tables, were in dire need of repair. Damaged or broken furniture not only affects the aesthetic appeal of the classrooms but also hampers the students’ ability to concentrate and engage in their studies effectively. It was crucial that we address this issue promptly to ensure a safe, comfortable, and conducive learning environment for our students.

I am delighted to announce that we have completed all the repairs by now and the furniture is better than new… Yes. The better quality wood/paint was used than original to refurbish the desks/chairs and we might be buying some more new furniture to accommodate growing numbers of students. Here are couple of furniture photos of before and after.

High School Registration:-  This required a lot of sweat and effort from everyone involved. Yes… We have successfully secured the school registration for high schooling. Previously we had registration for Girls and boys up to middle section. High school registration is for girls only as we are able to accommodate Girls only in higher section for now.

Water Bottles:- Instead of sharing a single glass, We are in process of providing each student with their own water bottle. This ensures that each child has a personal, hygienic container for drinking water.

Mother’s day Celebration:- School staff helped young kids to prepare the heartfelt handmade cards for the mothers as they honor and appreciate the invaluable role of their mothers. Here is the short video.

What’s next:- Our school has experienced a significant increase in students enrollment. While we are delighted to witness this growth, it has posed a new challenge: a shortage of classrooms to accommodate the growing number of students. As a result, our students are facing overcrowded classrooms, which hampers their ability to learn effectively and creates a less-than-ideal learning environment.

Expanding our classrooms is crucial to ensure that every student receives the attention and quality education they deserve. By providing adequate space, we can enhance the teaching and learning experience, foster student engagement, and improve academic outcomes. We strongly believe that investing in education is investing in the future, and with your continued support, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our students.

For now we will start construction of 2nd story on existing rooms. These 2 large class rooms and 3 new bathrooms will help us to accommodate more students within the premises. Construction to start during summer vacation

Stay Tuned.

Thank you Amir (Chair APS)

Monthly Report Apr 2023

Science Lab: – We are deeply committed to provide our students with the best possible learning environment and resources, and I believe that investing in our science labs is crucial for their academic and scientific development.

Our science laboratory is where our students will apply theoretical concepts, conduct experiments, and develop crucial laboratory skills. I am glad to report that establishment of the science lab is in progress, The tables/Cabinets and water connections are being worked on and we hope to get this completed in the month of May.

Sports Day: – Sports Gala day was celebrated in APS on April 28th,  The day was filled with remarkable performances, spirited competition, and a celebration of athletic achievements.

Sports Day also featured team sports competitions, including Tug of war , Frog Race and 3 legs race. The matches were fiercely contested, with students displaying excellent teamwork, strategic thinking, and impressive skills. The passion and dedication exhibited by the teams were truly commendable.

At the culmination of Sports Day, we recognized the outstanding performances and achievements of our students. Medals, trophies, and certificates were awarded to winners and participants in various categories. It was a joyous moment of celebration as the applause echoed throughout the grounds, honoring the hard work and dedication of our athletes.

Let’s dive in and relive the memorable moments of this grand event.

APS Fund Raiser: – As we move forward, we encourage our Supporters to remain engaged in charitable activities and initiatives. Eid Concert was held on April 30th where Pakistani Musicians Leo twins shared the stage with Vocalist Richie Robinson. 380 People joined this concert and We are delighted to announce that we got great community support from Arizona Community.

With your help, we can make a lasting difference and create a more compassionate and equitable world.

I would highly encourage our donners to chip on recurring basis. It will only cost $20 to education 4 students a month in the school.

This is where you can help:–

Your generous contribution will directly impact the lives of hundreds of children, allowing them to attend school, receive a quality education, and break the cycle of poverty. Every donation, no matter the size, will make a meaningful impact and bring us one step closer to ensuring that no child is left behind.

Stay Tune for upcoming deliverables…i.e LAB completion, Uniforms/Books provision and Mothers day celebration in APS.

Thank you

Amir Davis. Chair APS.

Monthly Report Mar 2023

Parents meeting: – This Annual meeting happened on March 9th where hundreds of parents turned up to open Forum. Chair APS “Amir” shared the future road map with the parents. There was a great dialogue on importance of education and how cruel can be a child labor in kid’s life.  Some great ideas were shared by motivated parents too. Also had separate with 1:1 with some parents to address their concerns.

Staff Meetings: – The staff has regular weekly meetings with Chairman APS remotely, however it is always worthy to meet face to face. There were good few meetings on further school improvements, Teacher’s contribution to the school and 1:1s. Here is how our typical meeting looks like.

School Annual Program: – The fun filled event was attended by hundreds of parents and families to see their children performing on the stage. School staff, Management and out talented students put lot of hard work into this to make this event a success.

Scholarship students: – We are delighted to announce that 18 of former students who were awarded scholarships for their higher studies after passing out of the school have started working in various walks of the fields. We currently have 25 students enrolled who have secures the scholarships for their higher studies. Huge thanks to our sponsors.

School Exams: – As the school year starts/finishes in March in Pakistan. The school Annual exams started in 1st week of the March.

School Results: – 31st March is the Final results day. The marks ratio was averaged at 80% . See our smiling position holder students here who were awarded medals/trophies on their accomplishments.

School Books: – The annual free books distribution was also completed successfully in March before the school year starts…i. e April 1st.

More Teachers: – Since we have extended the school to higher section and with new school year we would need teachers for high classes. Advertisement has been started across the area and interviews being conducted.

Fund raiser: – There is a fund raiser being conducted in Arizona (USA) on April 30th. Proceedings from this Eid Concert will go to the school.

Thank you

Amir (Chair APS)

Monthly Report Feb 2023

Khudii Project short film:- A short film was documented last year which is released this year, This was shot by the Khudii Project covering school during School Chairman visit last year(2022). Here is the short video.


Amir Visit to School 2023: – Chair APS visited the school in Feb/March this year. There was a very warm welcome by the School staff and students. The tour consisted 3 weeks with lot of fun-filled and productive activities.

Hall inauguration: – The new Basement and 3 rooms construction was completed and an official opening happened during Amir’s visit. The major funding to build this 3800 Sq feet facility came from Hannya Janjua and this block is named after.


School street renovation: – The condition of small alley leading to the school was in bad shape. This passage is being used for hundreds of children and parents on daily basis. We finally got this fixed and no more muddy way in rainy season. Here are the pictures of before and after & off course a great hangout spot for short meetings 😊

School Advertising: – Since we have the capacity and we are well in position to increase the utilization of the premises, We are taking more students in the school. New banners/flexes are being used to server the purpose while school admissions get open in March/April.

Thank you

Amir (Chair APS)

Monthly Report Dec 2022

2022 Developments Summary

1-     High school extension: – The school is extended to high school now, We were up to middle section earlier. With this extension we will retain students after middle schooling.


2-     The Hallways construction: – This 3800 square feet extension is completed by the end of Year 2022. 3 rooms and a hall was constructed in the basement. Major portion of the funding was contributed by Naya Ujalla Director and long term donor  “Hannya Janjua”.  This block is being named after her “Hannya Block”
3-     MOU Sign-up: – Muslim Americans for Compassion “MAC” and Naya Ujalla signed MOU where MAC would be supporting different initiatives of Naya Ujalla. MAC also funded the build up of Hallway.


4-     School Canteen and Visiting Room setup: – A proper school canteen and Parents visit area was setup by demolishing oldest part of the school and establishing these facilities there.


5-     Playing area Setup: – On the roof of the basement, an artificial turf was installed with some playing area for the kids.


6-     Free Books and higher studies sponsorship continuity: – We managed to deliver free books again this year along with Higher studies scholarships to our passed-out students in different institutions (Huge thanks to our individual Sponsors), We took 6 more students on board this year.  

December Tests: – December school tests were conducted during December, after this student will be appearing in Final and 3rd term exams.


School Admissions and Advertisement: – Since we have capacity to accommodate more students in the school, we have advertising boards up in the area.

Please stay tune for 2023 goals in January newsletter.

Thank you

Amir (Chair APS)

Monthly Report Nov 2022

Play Area Setup: – The school Play area has been setup on top of the new basement, Artificial grass was used on the ground to ensure the playtime safety of the students. Children are loving these new rides. Here are some pictures of very happy students.

Magic comes to school: – The magic & amusement comes together in very entertaining tricks of the magician who came all the way to the school. It wasn’t only the students who loved this, but teachers greatly enjoyed the magic show as well.

Health Mom – Healthy Family: – APS Management organized a free medical camp in the school for village women. This was greatly appreciated by the local community and raised some good awareness on health of the women and families.

Students sponsorships: – We are very thankful to our generous sponsors who helped us to secure scholarships for 6 more students who are perusing higher studies in other institutes. This closes all scholarships request 100%.


Thank you


Chair APS

Monthly Report Oct 2022

Rishna completes the Degree: – We proudly congratulate One of our sponsored student “Rishna Nasir” for completing her 4 years degree Program in Bachelor Computer Science from Gift University Gujranwala. Her education was 100% sponsored. She is with the school since Play group.

Rishna also secured an internship role in one of the Software House locally in Gujranwala. We wish her all the best in future.

Here is one of her last picture from Gift University.


High School Graduations: – We would also like to congratulate to our all students who appeared and passed high school exams. These students were studying in another private institute and they secured the  sponsorships from our generous induvial sponsors who are willing to sponsor them for their higher studies to in the collage.


Construction Update: – The Basement “Hannya Block” finishing job is still in progress. The major portion of the construction is completed. Roof top tiles done while Flooring, Lighting, Celling and Paint job are almost completed.


Thank you


Chair APS

Monthly Report August 2022

Pakistan Independence Day: – The school students had high spirits with Pakistan Flag on August 14th to celebrate the Independence Day of Pakistan. The students also prepared speeches focusing on “freedom comes with responsibility”. All classes participated in the event. Here are some pictures from the day.

Infrastructure Buildup: – The oldest room in the school goes down after 40 years standing tall. We have demolished the oldest room of the school, it’s roof was worn-out by now and the “L” Shape of the room was not getting along with the extended part. This Classroom is being converted to the school Canteen.

The 2nd adjoining room is being converted to the waiting room for the parents and visitors.


Before and After View

School Hall: – The construction for the school Basement Hall is completed by now, however the finishing work is still in progress. This new 3800 Sq feet block consists of 3 classrooms and a multipurpose HALL. which will be used for computer LAB + Library + multimedia room.

False ceiling

Roof Tiles installation.


Stay tune for upcoming developments and updates. Thank you.

Chair APS






Monthly Report July 2022

MAC Signs MOU With Naya Ujalla: – American based organization “Muslim Americans for Compassion (MAC)” signed MOU with the school in July. This will be a major milestone in the school’s growth. MAC also donated a cheque of $2000 to the school. Both organization’s heads met and agreed on collaboration and idea sharing to increase the positive impact on local community lives.


MAC Representative Visits the School: – Mr. Naeem Raza who was on a trip to Pakistan from the USA took the time to visit the school. Mr. Raza also had a brief meeting with school’s principle and took a few pictures of the school and its surroundings.


Play Area Rides: – The rides are being repaired and painted. These will be back before school starts after summer vacation. This play area is being added on the roof of the basement where we would be dedicating a specific area with artificial grass on it.


School Construction: – The school construction of the new extension is still on-going, and we are on-track to complete the whole construction by mid-September. Currently False ceiling and electrical work installation is in progress. The next step will be tilling on roof top of the basement with some artificial grass.

One of the Room’s ceiling.

Stay tuned

Thank you,

Amir (Chair APS)

Monthly Report June 2022

Construction of School extension:- Huge thanks to APS director and sponsor Hannya Janjua, who personally donated 12000$ which helped us to start the the construction on 3800 Sq feet piece of land which is further extension to the school. This huge basement consists of 3 classrooms and 1 big hall which will serve as multimedia library.

We are expecting to complete all construction and furnishing work by mid of September.

Here are some pictures of newly built facility.


Red lining showing the new basement area.


Inner view


Stair steps linking new basement with school ground.



Summer Vacation: – School is closed for students due to Summer vacation in Pakistan. It will be back on in August.

Thank you

Amir (Chair APS)